Holiday House Tour 2022 – Final Notes

The Holiday House Tours are this Sunday, Dec. 4, noon-4 PM!

Did you procrastinate on getting tickets? You are in luck! Tickets are available for purchase at the Hexagon House, 530 Amherst St. at the Bough & Dough Shop this weekend, as well as at Kimberly’s, Winchester Book Gallery, and Winchester-Frederick County Visitors Center. Tickets are also available for order online through EventBrite (until noon on Sunday). If you are still not sure, tickets can also be purchased at the door of any of the houses on Sunday for $30/adult (cash or checks only).

If you ordered tickets online via Eventbrite, remember to bring your PDF ticket (printed or on your phone) as you start your tour. If you’d like an official ticket, you should be able to pick them up at any of the houses on the tour or the Bough & Dough Shop.

While printed booklets should be available at the physical ticket sale locations and the houses during the tour, if you would prefer a digital copy to have on your phone, please feel free to save our digital version and refer back to it.

The weather forecast for the weekend appears good, with partly cloudy skies, low chance of precipitation, and light winds. Be sure to dress warmly if you have to wait in line outside or for walking between sites. Stay safe while you are having fun!

You may also want to keep the digital version of the tour map handy as well for navigating between the sites. The QR code for the map is also available on all the printed physical tickets if you are out and about during the tour and need some navigation help.

While you are touring the homes, remember no photography is allowed inside the private residences.

Be on the lookout for the Winchester Arts Chorale carolers Sunday afternoon to enliven your tours. Be sure to thank the volunteers, as well!

We hope you enjoy the tours!

PHW is grateful for the support of Maral Kalbian, one of our business card advertising sponsors of the Holiday House Tour.

Holiday House Tour 2022 Ticket Sales

Are you ready for the Holiday House Tour on December 4?

Looking for tickets to our 46th annual Holiday House Tour? Here’s where you can find them!

Local sale locations: Kimberly’s, The Winchester Book Gallery, and the Winchester-Frederick County Visitors Center (perfect if you are in town doing some shopping and sightseeing) – These locations have advance tickets for $25/adult available, as well as program booklets. Their hours depend on the individual businesses.

The Bough & Dough Shop at the Hexagon House (ideal if you are doing some holiday shopping or need last minute tickets) – The Shop will have tickets available through the afternoon of December 4 for the last-minute visitors. The Shop is open Wed.-Sun., 10 AM-5 PM. After noon on Dec. 4, the price will increase to $30/adult to match the at the door price of the tour houses.

Eventbrite (online sales, perfect if you are out of town) – This option gets you a digital ticket, so be sure to bring your phone or a printout of your receipt to the event! Tickets on Eventbrite will go off sale just before the tour starts on December 4. Additional online processing fees apply.

A digital copy of the program booklet is available at this link. Physical program booklets are available at the local ticket sale outlets, the Bough & Dough Shop, and will be available at the four tour sites on Sunday during the tour.

PHW is grateful for the support of Angel’s Roost Quilts, one of our business card advertising sponsors of the Holiday House Tour. Come see her work in person at the Bough & Dough Shop at the Hexagon House.

Friday Roundup: Black Friday Edition

If you’re looking for more things to do this holiday weekend and into early December besides the Bough & Dough Shop (open now through December 11 at the Hexagon House) and the Holiday House Tour (December 4, noon-4 PM), here are a few ideas:

This weekend is Windependent Weekend, which combines Plaid Friday and Small Business Saturday into a weekend event. Shop locally and support small businesses! Find more info at Old Town Winchester.

Winchester’s Holiday Parade and Tree Lighting Ceremony will take place November 28 at 7 PM. Hosted by Winchester Parks and Recreation (WPRD), the parade begins at 7 pm and typically features floats, bands, and vehicles representing local organizations. Santa himself will most certainly make an appearance, too! The annual tree lighting will take place immediately following the parade on the Loudoun Street Mall by the Old Frederick County Court House.

The Peter Bullough Foundation invites you to a special research lecture with Anna Abhau Elliot on December 1, 6-7 PM at the Handley Library in Winchester. She will share the fruits of her research from her time at the Peter Bullough Foundation artist residency in downtown Winchester. Anna’s work blends theatre, history, performance art, and comedy to explore how Americans tell each other stories. This event is free and is generously sponsored in part by First Bank and the Marion Park Lewis Foundation for the Arts

Abram’s Delight will be open for their annual candlelight tours on Dec 2 from 6-8 PM and Dec. 3 from 3-7 PM. Guests are invited to view the exhibit “Quaker Families of Winchester and Frederick County in the nearby Hollingsworth Mill, and a demonstration of hearth cooking will take place in the log cabin. Admission is free! For more information, call 540-662-6550.

Last, we want to extend our special thanks to the Godfrey Miller Center for helping us host our caroling team for the Holiday House Tour this year. While you are enjoying the Holiday House Tour on December 4, you can also stop in to their building at 28 S. Loudoun St. for an art show – see the details below!

Holiday House Tour 2022 – Special Thanks

The Holiday House Tour is largely a volunteer effort. In addition to the financial support we receive from our Major Sponsors Stephanie Ryall of Realty One Group Old Towne and The Bank of Clarke County Foundation, and the other advertising sponsors whose ads are found throughout this booklet, PHW is also indebted to the support of:

Homeowners Theodora and Rodger Hargraves, The Old Stone Foundation, Vickie Williamson, and Jennifer Wolgamott

Advance ticket sale locations Kimberly’s, Winchester Book Gallery, and Winchester-Frederick County Visitors Center

Bough and Dough Shop artists Angel’s Roost Quilts, Basket Cases, Blooming Hill Lavender Farm and Gift Shop, Nina Burke, Lorraine Candell, Capers in Crochet, The Card Shop Bakers, CLS Cloth, George Davis, Eye of the Needle Embroidery, Fripperies, Hailewatercolors, Heartsong Hill Designs, Dave Hickman, J&W Farm, Karen’s
Kollection, Susan Keenan, Lighthouse Woodworking, The Merry Beader, Libba Pendleton, The Primitive Peddler, Ree’s Treats, Mike Robinson, Donna Sheets, Very
Merry Mittens, and Virginia Pottery

Donors of bags, packing materials, and fresh greenery for the Bough & Dough Shop

House chairmen Bruce Downing, Mary Riley, Anne G. Scully, and Anne Walker Schroth

Carolers from Arts Chorale Winchester, organized by Dolly Vachon

Volunteer docents, decorators, and door greeters for each tour location

And visitors like you!

PHW is grateful for the support of The Shenandoah Group of Wells Fargo Advisors, one of our half page advertising sponsors of the Holiday House Tour.

Holiday House Tour 2022 – 306 East Piccadilly Street

306 East Piccadilly Street, the Old Stone Church

The Old Stone Church dates to 1788 according to the date incised on the western wall. The church has watched Winchester grow from a frontier outpost to a modern city over 230 years. The limestone Georgian-style meeting house is the last complete example of the churches that once lined the gentle hill just outside the original town limits.

The simple structure is typical of the austere stone meeting houses erected by the Presbyterian settlers. It bears numerous similarities to the Paxton Presbyterian Church constructed in 1740 in Paxtang, Pennsylvania. The broad window openings have upper and lower sashes of twenty panes, an unusual feature in a Valley church. A smaller window in the north wall, with six-over-six sash, lights the pulpit. Massive shutters with raised panels are used at each of the windows. Additionally, the entrance doors have raised panels and a ten-light transom above both entrances. Hardware for the shutters and doors was handwrought by a Philadelphia blacksmith.

The church’s present appearance is due to a major restoration effort begun in 1941. The building suffered damage and indignity throughout the Civil War, after which, it was used as the Winchester Colored School and a Virginia State National Guard armory. Through a sensitive, scholarly restoration, the building now resembles its original state, and thus provides insight into the religious life of Virginia’s early Presbyterians.

Now owned by the Old Stone Foundation, this group seeks to continue this work in maintaining the building. The next major challenge for Old Stone Church is a modernized and efficient heating system. The group plans in the future to use the building as a museum.

PHW is grateful for the support of Belle Grove Plantation, one of our half page advertising sponsors of the Holiday House Tour.

Holiday House Tour 2022 – 216 South Cameron Street

216 South Cameron Street, the home of Theodora and Rodger Hargraves

This circa 1880 Italianate-style home is a blend of traditional and modern construction inside and out. From the second story to the roof, the house reflects its historic nature with its side-gabled standing-seam metal roof, scrolled modillion cornice, and 2/2 double-hung windows crowned with brick jack arches. The first floor of the building was modernized after it was struck by a vehicle in the mid-twentieth century. A picture window and a brick stoop with an integrated flowerbed were installed during the façade reconstruction. Before entering the home, look up to see the stained-glass transom window above the paneled front door.

Theodora Hargraves purchased the building in 1976 as a single woman, raising her daughter and operating the Winchester Art Company here. She was joined by her husband Rodger in 1989. The wreath on the front of the house will be a nod to the missing architectural detail and will reflect the traditional design aesthetics of the Historic District. One room will feature the photography by Tracey Robertson, the owners’ daughter, as part of the holiday decorations. A hand-crafted peacock piñata will be hung in the rear garden which will be seen as visitors exit the home (no bird bashing pole will be provided).

PHW is grateful for the support of The Winchester Little Theatre, one of our full page advertising sponsors of the Holiday House Tour.

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas at 202 South Washington Street

By Jennifer Wolgamott

This poem is a bit of bonus content for 202 South Washington Street. It may be too long to hear during the tour itself, so we wanted to share it now!

T’was the night before Christmas and all through the house

Not a creature was stirring, not even JB Russell’s spouse.

Throws of labor, bricks and stone in 1890 were placed

Three stories, a basement, four arches with such grace.

The stockings were hung by the 9 fireplaces with care

Who knew in 2022 someone’s stockings would again be there?

Merchant and banker James Russell all snug in his bed

With visions of electric lights and 34 radiators dancing in in his head.

With Mrs. in her kerchief and Mr. in his cap

They dreamed of a coal boiler during their long winter’s nap.

When near and far there arose such a clatter

They jumped from there beds to find out the matter.

It was here, it was there, it was 1,640 feet of iron pipe

The sound was not Christmassy, it was in fact ripe

By the 1980s a boarding house it had been

The thought of which now is a crime and a sin

But that was then, and this is now

The magnificent house had to find 2022 somehow

Away to the window I flew like a flash

To find out who would save it I turned back a wooden sash

When what to my wondering eyes should appear

A diminutive architect, her plans were quite clear

Lifting the house to tomorrow was not for the faint

The wall colors alone took 120 gallons of paint.

640 pieces of slate tile went up on the roof

And 4 brand new heat pumps and condensers is no spoof

With a little elbow grease so lively and quick

One knew in a moment this rehab would do the trick

Slower than eagles the subcontractors came

The architect whistled and shouted and called them by name

When they met with an obstacle, no quarter was given

And 22 historical glass panes add to the comfort of liven.

So, on this magical night the sleigh lands on the new rooftop

With new brick and mortar chimneys, Santa won’t have to stop.

The house is now ready, with nothing to dread

Historically modern with 7 rooms just for bed

The bathrooms, the closets, materials and light fixures

Placed so the old and the new are perfect mixtures.

The jolly old man can go straight to his work

After filling the stockings he can turn with a jerk

And laying a finger aside of his nose

And giving a nod up the chimney he’ll go

And as he ascends just before he goes out of sight

He will say “Merry Christmas to all who renovate and restore, and to all a good night.”

PHW is grateful for the support of The Peter Bullough Foundation, one of our half page advertising sponsors of the Holiday House Tour.

Holiday House Tour – 202 South Washington Street

202 South Washington Street, the home of Jennifer Wolgamott

As you approach the front door of this brick Romanesque Revival style home, look down. A white marble slab engraved with “J. B. Russell” welcomes you to this circa 1890 masterpiece. By the time James B. Russell built his magnificent home on the corner of Washington and Cork streets, he had served as a Frederick County deputy sheriff, a Winchester City councilman, businessman, and President of the Union Bank.

The first story of the façade is defined by three round-headed arches providing a recessed entry to the home. A soldier course of bricks delineates the first and second stories of the building, while a basketweave brick frieze encircles the top of the second story. An integral porch supported by Tuscan columns and capped with dentil molding is located in the central bay of the second story. Directly above it, a dormer clad with slate shingles with a half-hexagonal-on-hip roof overlooks the front yard.

Recently purchased by Jennifer Wolgamott, the home survived a period of use as apartments remarkably intact. The interior features pocket doors, oak wainscoting, period fireplace mantels, and stained glass windows.

PHW is grateful for the support of Colony Realty, one of our full page advertising sponsors of the Holiday House Tour.

Holiday House Tour 2022 – 119 East Clifford Street

119 East Clifford Street, the home of Vickie Williamson

This vernacular brick building was likely built circa 1850 by Philip Hansucker, who apprenticed wagonmaking with Philip Sherer of nearby 125 E. Clifford St. The families became intertwined further when Hansucker married Caroline Sherer, Philip Sherer’s niece, on Christmas Day, 1849. By 1860, Philip Hansucker took on Sherer’s wagon and plough making business and brought his brother into the enterprise as a blacksmith. He served as a Winchester city councilman from 1861-1865. Shortly after the Civil War, the Hansucker family moved to Millwood.

As is common with vernacular buildings, the home was expanded throughout the 19th and 20th centuries in architecturally compatible ways by its new owners, particularly through adding dormer windows, additions to the rear of the building, and a Colonial Revival style porch with a half-hipped roof supported by Tuscan wood columns.

Initial work to preserve the building was undertaken circa 1974 by Lawrence and Catherine Bell, including restoring the wide pine flooring and opening fireplaces. The home received a Winchester Historic Building Plaque in 1984. The current owner has been working for two years to use her interior design skills to bring new life to this old home. Her eclectic collection includes found objects and antiques, beautifully repurposed to blend with elements of modern décor. Christmas tree ornaments honor the owner’s favorite southern traditions, and garlands of fresh greenery adorn old pine mantels. Visitors will see the old outbuildings in the back yard, likely used in the wagonmaking business.

PHW is grateful for the support of Lisa T. McCoig, one of our full page advertising sponsors of the Holiday House Tour.

Friday Roundup: Weekend Events

While PHW prepares for Holiday House Tour and Bough & Dough Shop, we wanted to share a few other events by similar organizations that our readers might enjoy this weekend:

Winchester Little Theatre’s production of A Christmas Carol is opening today. While the show appears sold out, there is information on their website about seeing if last minute spots open. If you nabbed tickets, thank you for supporting one of PHW’s partner organizations, and we’re sure you’ll enjoy this holiday treat!

Belle Grove Plantation, another one of PHW’s advertising sponsors for the Holiday House Tour, is hosting Inalienable Rights: Free and Enslaved Blacks Crafting a Life in the Shenandoah Valley this weekend. They will be open free of charge and feature special programming on African American history with special guests from The Slave Dwelling Project and Cedar Creek and Belle Grove National Historical Park. Check the link for more details!

If you enjoy the arts and crafts at the Bough & Dough Shop, you may want to stop by the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley this weekend for the Virginia Gourd Show and Sale. The theme for the 2022 competition is “Gourdigami” in honor of the MSV exhibition ORIGAMI IN THE GARDEN. Gourd artisans will be on site selling art and raw gourds for your own crafting purposes.

The Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society is hosting Maps and Surveys of Winchester November 12 at 10:30 AM in Rouss City Hall. Presenter Tim Youmans will begin the program in council chambers. Afterward, participants are invited to visit the original 1832 Frederick County Clerk’s Office located in the Feltner Building. Judge David S. Whitacre will share reminisces of his grandfather’s and uncle’s tenures as Clerk of the Court. For more information, contact Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society Executive Director Cissy Shull at 540-662-6550.