PHW to Present Its Pledges to Winchester Little Theatre on Feb. 6

Winchester Little TheatrePHW is pleased to announce it will present its two pledges to the Winchester Little Theatre Restoration Campaign on Friday, February 6 at 10 AM, on site at the WLT. The pledges consist of PHW’s commitment of $25,000 as well as the proceeds from the 2014 Bough and Dough Shop.

The event is free and open to the public; stop by if you can!

Kurtz Cultural Center Programs

Kurtz Cultural Center For almost ten years, the Kurtz Cultural Center offered a diverse range of programs and activities with a number of community partners and traveling exhibits from larger museums. The KCC not only provided high quality exhibits with a particular focus on local history, but also offered a range of supplementary programs like lectures, children’s programming, appraisals from experts, and preservation techniques.

Several exhibits, namely “West of the Blue Ridge,” “A Community at War,” and “Valley Collectors” were well documented and exhibit photos can be viewed in PHW’s Picasa Gallery. Be sure to visit the album on Flickr to see even more exhibit photos from the Kurtz Cultural Center. At least some of the exhibits by year included:

West of the Blue Ridge 1992
Regional Reflections: Juried Art Show
Celebrating Patsy Cline
Manufacturer’s Exposition

The Civil War information center opens
Valley Quilts: A Pieced Tradition
West of the Blue Ridge
A Tradition of Cabinetmakers
Valley Childhood Life
Big Al Carter

Winchester: People, Places and Things1994
James Wood and the Founding of Winchester
Totally Touchable art exhibit
Children’s Heritage poster contest
D-Day 50th Anniversary Exhibit
Quilt by Quilt
Winchester: People, Places and Things
Vanished Winchester
Away, I’m Bound Away
Woodworkers of the Valley
Works of Isaac J. Sanger

Before Freedom Came
Art in Bloom
A Community at War

A Legacy for Winchester1996
Pictures of the World: The Art of the Mapmaker
View Point ’96 by SVAA
A Legacy for Winchester: the Julian Wood Glass Jr. Collection
Art Smart art exhibit
Valley Collectors

Mirage exhibit by Elaine Rebman
Jewish Virginians
Faces of the Past portrait exhibit
Rivers, Fields and Skies exhibit by Wiley Redford Wine
The Tradition Continues: Woodworkers of the Shenandoah Valley

Valley Collectors1998
Like Grass Before the Scythe Civil War relics exhibit
Lee Teeter art exhibit

Realism x 4
George Washington and the Virginia Frontier

The Art of the Frontier Gunsmith

Support PHW through AmazonSmile

Do you shop through If you do, PHW would be delighted if you chose us as your charity to support through their AmazonSmile program. Here’s how it works:

Log in at
Search for “Preservation of Historic Winchester” as your charity of choice.
Shop for Amazon products like usual through
Amazon donates 0.5% of your eligible purchases to PHW.

Sound like a good idea? Click the banner below to get started, and thank you in advance for your support!

Preservation Of Historic Winchester Inc

The Kurtz: County Options and Welcome to the Welcome Center

This post is part of the series of history posts in celebration of PHW’s 50th Anniversary year. For the newcomers to this list, you may catch up on the earlier posts in this series at the PHW blog under the tag 50th Anniversary.

Old Town Welcome Center Ribbon CuttingWith the Kurtz Building well on track after the hard hat tour in April 1990, it appeared the Kurtz Cultural Center was ready for smooth sailing. The exterior had been cleaned up — no longer could it be called just an ugly grain warehouse — and the interior was being prepared for its new use as a Cultural Center while retaining as much of its architectural integrity as possible. The basement had been dug out to allow room for a hands-on children’s gallery space. The second and third floors were set aside for gallery and office space. The majority of the first floor was designated for the first official Old Town Welcome Center in Winchester. (1) (2)

As promised, in the fall of 1990, Winchester City Council conveyed the Kurtz Building to PHW. As had been established years before, the conveyance was for the building only, not the land, and Frederick County still retained an option to build on the land. It was well understood that at any time the work PHW put into saving the Kurtz could be undone — although that possibility was remote, it was never glossed over. Thus it was a surprise when the Frederick County Board of Supervisors leveled the accusation that by conveying the building to PHW, the City unilaterally changed the terms of the 1980 City-County agreement. (3)

The Winchester Star suggested an idea to lay the Frederick County building option to rest once and for all by selling the option for $1 to PHW. The option was of limited value to anyone else, particularly since the Kurtz Cultural Center was poised to become a reality. It was suggested that by offering the option at a nominal price, it would show the County’s willingness to see the Kurtz Cultural Center succeed. However, the value of the option that the supervisors reached was $20-25,000. Their counteroffer was that the $20,000 from PHW’s purchase of the option would be put toward preserving Frederick County Civil War sites. (4) (5) (6)

Old Town Welcome Center lapel sticker Unsurprisingly, PHW submitted the only bid — $10 — for the option. (7) The bid was not even considered in 1990, and the issue lingered into 1992, when the County attempted to hinge the building option on annexation agreements between the City and County. (8) Undeterred, PHW continued its work on the Kurtz Cultural Center, even moving the PHW office from the Hexagon House to the Kurtz Building in April 1992. (9)

At last, on June 1, 1992, the Old Town Welcome Center opened at the Kurtz Building. With the welcome center operational, the downtown had a central location for brochures and tours, public restrooms, a gift shop, and the first few exhibits of the Kurtz Cultural Center (10) (11) One month later, the longstanding issue with the Frederick County building option was resolved when Winchester City, Frederick County, and PHW entered into an agreement that the City would release its reversionary clause and conditions from the 1990 deed, and the County would release its option until such a time as the Kurtz Building reverted to City control. The Kurtz Cultural Center was now ready to serve the community without fear of further entanglements in the annexation negotiations.

Kurtz Contracts, Architects, Directors, Demolition Parties, and Fundraising

This post is part of the series of history posts in celebration of PHW’s 50th Anniversary year. For the newcomers to this list, you may catch up on the earlier posts in this series at the PHW blog under the tag 50th Anniversary.

Duct!At long last, in May 1988 the final contract between the City and PHW to allow the organization a chance to find a new use for the “ugly” Kurtz Building was finalized, though with a few important strings attached. The City would not turn over the building to PHW if and until the work was completed on time — should PHW fail to complete the rehabilitation by 1989, the City would not convey the building to PHW. Frederick County still retained building rights for the land surrounding the Kurtz as well. Although unlikely, there was a possibility the County could decide to build on the lot and thereby raze the Kurtz. (1)(2)

Despite the gravity of the situation, spirits at PHW were high and optimism abounded. Thomas Kamstra and Eric Snyder were brought on board as architect and project manager and public input sessions were held with them to plan for the building’s future uses.(3)(4) Elaine Rebman was hired as the director for the Kurtz Cultural Center.(5) And in keeping with PHW’s tradition of hands-on volunteerism, a demolition party manned by volunteers cleared out the interior of the Kurtz.(6)

With this groundwork laid, it was time for PHW to make the most of the opportunity to save the Kurtz.(7) The $100,000 in state money from the Virginia Preservation Fund came through, after being chosen from a pool of 120 other applications. Local businesses and individuals began making contributions for the named rooms in the Kurtz Building, and the fundraising events began with an art show by Geneva Welch and an oriental rug exhibit and sale. Shenandoah University donated a performance of “The Pirates of Penzance” to the fundraising efforts, and PHW was given permission to make prints of the Edward Beyer painting “A View of Winchester,” which is now on display at the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley.(8) (9)

This pattern continued through 1989 and 1990. PHW was granted an extension for the exterior and structural stabilization phase due to complications from asbestos removal, but the fundraising events continued full steam, with more state grants, more donations from local businesses, and more art, antique, musical, and fashion shows. A playhouse-sized model of the Kurtz Building was even constructed by local high school students and raffled as a fundraiser during the 1989 Potato Hill Street Festival.(10) The project at last began to seem like a reality in April of 1990, when the building was opened for a hard hat tour to show off the structural work and the mysteries uncovered in the building.(11)

Artist's conception of the first floor of the KCC, Nov. 1988

Feedburner Subscriber Notice

Do you receive the PHW blog posts by email via Feedburner? Please note that this service is being transferred to MailChimp. Current subscribers have been added to MailChimp list and will likely receive two emails on January 9 (one from Feedburner, one from MailChimp).

If all goes well with the January 9 email, the Feedburner emails will be retired. Blog posts will be aggregated and sent once a week (instead of every day there’s a post) on Friday afternoons. If you think your email has been sent to an out of date address, you may wish to reenter your information manually into MailChimp as a first troubleshooting step. Don’t forget to check your junk folders, too!

Thank you to everyone who tried out our first email list, which was started in March 2011. It’s exciting to be moving to a new service with new functions in the new year. We hope you’ll continue to support the PHW blog with this new service.

A Plan to Save the Kurtz

Welcome to 2015! We continue our retrospective of PHW in honor of our 50th Anniversary. If you missed earlier installments or need a refresher, you may find all the 50th Anniversary history posts under the tag 50th Anniversary. We continue now with PHW’s efforts to save the Kurtz Building.

Let's Save the Kurtz BuildingAs the period of PHW’s lease on the Kurtz Building was drawing to a close, the plan on how to save the structure and turn it into a productive building once more was unveiled. The plan entailed converting the building into a cultural arts center. The building was acknowledged to be in deteriorated structural condition, and one of the major concerns and criticisms was the cost it would take to rehabilitate the building. PHW vowed not to use city tax dollars, expecting to use state and donated funds for the work, which was spread out over three stages.(1)

The plan caused some of the most heated and protracted back and forth discussion on the fate of the Kurtz Building in the month before the plan was presented to City Council since the Conrad House 25 years before. Along with the support from the preservation community came a determined, yet misinformed, contingent decrying the Kurtz Building project as requiring “several millions” of taxpayer dollars. (2) (3)

Both letters to the editors and additional editorial columns were penned in an effort to clear up the misconceptions on the expected cost (around $566,000) and funding sources (Virginia state taxpayer dollars, but not Winchester City tax dollars).(4)(5) At the same time, another stream of criticism was leveled at the Kurtz for being “ugly” — although no one ever claimed the building’s aesthetics were the sole reason it should be preserved or the basis for its historical significance. (6)

There were still concerns as to Frederick County’s unwillingness to relinquish an option to build on the site, though other Winchester Council members seemed to be swayed by the need for a downtown community center and a cultural arts space.(7) It was enough, at least, to sway the Council to approve the plan, as in the event PHW could not perform the renovation, the Kurtz Building would return to the City and no money would be lost by the City on the endeavor.

The fateful day arrived on May 10, 1988. After hearing the community speak in favor of the plan for a community arts space in downtown Winchester, City Council agreed to sell the Kurtz Building to PHW.(8) As Steve Bauserman was recorded as saying to a reporter after the meeting, “We won.”

'We Won': PHW Gets a Crack at the Kurtz

Upcoming Changes to the PHW Email List

PHW is thrilled to announce our email subscriber list for PHW members and frequent event guests has grown to the point where we need to make a few modifications to ensure you continue to receive your emails from us. The existing subscribers have been imported to the new service, MailChimp. If you have already given your email address to PHW and you receive emails currently, you do not need to do anything else.

If you are not sure whether you are on this list with your most current email address, you may sign up either on our Facebook page at the “email signup” tab or input your email address below.

Holiday House Tour Feedback Survey

Snowy OwlWe are winding down from the Holiday House Tour here at PHW. Thank you to everyone who came out for the Bough and Dough Shop, the Saturday Preview Party, and the Sunday Daylight Tours during the Potato Hill Promenade weekend. The early indications are that we had a very successful year, despite a very rainy and dreary Saturday.

Before we rest on our laurels, we do have one more favor to ask you: fill out a ten question survey and help us plan for next year’s event. Your feedback will help us make advertising and promotion decisions for next year, as well as offering you a chance for feedback on areas for future tours and other ways we can improve the event.

Online at Survey Monkey or
Download a copy of the survey (PDF) and after filling it out, return it to:

530 Amherst Street
Winchester, VA 22601

Again, thank you. All of your support, whether as a homeowner, a volunteer, a decorator, or a guest going on the tours or shopping at the Bough and Dough Shop, is deeply appreciated.