It’s our first appreciable snowfall of the year, so PHW is operating from home today. Monday may also be suspect due to the forecast of more snow and freezing rain. While we work from home, you can still reach us at our email and we can answer most questions. Anything that needs further exploration will be answered when we get back to the office, weather permitting.
To hold you over on this winter weather weekend, we have a few items to share. From the Handley Regional Library, you’re invited to Family History Hunters, a group for those interested in discovering their family history. Whether you have years of experience or are just beginning your journey, this is the place to learn tips and strategies, find new resources, and share successes. The first meeting will be virtual on January 13, 12:30 PM and all are welcome! Future meetings will be February 10 (special beginner’s session), March 10, April 14, May 12,
and June 9. Join one session or all!
The National Trust for Historic Preservation has a number of grant deadlines and events coming up – see if any of these can benefit your organization or preservation project:
- Grant Deadline (January 14): African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund
Grants range from $50,000 to $150,000 for historic places such as a site, museum, or landscape representing African American cultural heritage. - Grant Deadline (February 1): National Trust Preservation Fund
Apply for grants ranging up to $5,000 that support preservation planning and educational projects. - Webinar (January 26): National Fund Letter of Intent Intro Webinar
Learn more about the upcoming National Fund for Sacred Places which provides capital grants ranging from $50,000 to $250,000. - Award Nominations Due (February 17): National Preservation Awards
Is there a person, organization, or project in your city or town that deserves the national spotlight? The National Trust wants to hear from you on how people and places are redefining preservation in your world.
Last, for a bit of interesting side reading, you may want to check out “How to design a house to last 1000 years” part I, part II, and part III by Brian Potter. When considering the houses and buildings here that made it past the century mark, we see many of the same confluences of luck against fire, lack of natural disasters, durable building materials, and stable neighborhood uses or ability of a building to be repurposed to changing uses. The third part might be of the most interest to see how this person designed a building that might last 1000 years. What do you think of the final design choices?