Friday Roundup

Friday Roundup: Image Search and Free Workshops in September and November

424 and 426 N. Loudoun
Do you have an image of 426 N. Loudoun (unpainted brick, left) with a porch in place? Please share with us!

First, we have a specific image request to aid a local building owner. Do you have images of 426 North Loudoun Street between 1920-1950? Sanborn maps indicate a porch was once installed on the house during this timeframe, but by the time PHW or the Archives obtained photos of it, the porch had been removed (pre-1976 survey). If you have any view of this building that includes the front porch so we can get an idea of its appearance, please contact us!

The National Trust for Historic Preservation announced this week that they will be offering pre-conference workshops in September and post-conference webinars in November to extend the educational experience of their yearly PastForward conference.

These skill building workshops are free and open to all, and compliments content in the conference program. Registration is free and required for participation, however registration for PastForward Online 2021 is not required.

Learn more about PastForward, including how to register for the conference, at