Friday Photos: Picasa Albums Migrating to Flickr

PHW learned last week that the Picasa service will be retired by May 1, 2016. In anticipation of this closure, PHW has been working to migrate the albums and photo captions to Flickr. Although PHW has no plans to remove the existing images from Picasa or their replacement service Google Photos, we want to provide a backup for as much of the information there as possible. The photos will also be consolidated into one source – always helpful for researchers.

In addition to approximately 60 new digitized slides, most in the Architectural Details and Court Square albums, we have also transferred approximately 270 photos from Picasa to Flickr:
Vanished Winchester
Willow Brook
British Embassy Trip, 1979
Commercial Winchester, 1974
Loudoun Street, circa 1980

Please note that due to the size constraints on Picasa, some of the transferred images may be of lower quality and smaller size than you have come to expect.

Vanished Winchester