Holiday House Tour Feedback


Please help give PHW your feedback on the 2015 Holiday House Tour! Like last year, we have a quick ten question survey on SurveyMonkey about the Holiday House Tour and Bough and Dough Shop. If you did not already turn in printed survey forms on the tour, here is a second chance to do so.

Thank you all for coming out over the weekend and supporting PHW, the Winchester Little Theatre, and the local artisans at the Bough and Dough Shop. All indications were that we had a very successful year, with most houses reporting around 350-400 visitors. Early reports indicate this was probably the largest sales weekend in the Bough and Dough Shop’s history. Wow!

You can also mark your calendars for next year’s event – the dates will be December 3 & 4, 2016. We hope we’ll see you then!