Holiday House Tour Spotlight: 303 Fairmont Avenue

303 Fairmont Avenue

Home of Mrs. Joseph Manuel
Franklin Wright, House Chair

Mrs. Manuel’s home will be open for the Preview Party on Saturday evening only.

This grand High Victorian Italianate style home, known as Belvedere, was built in 1876- 1877 by Dr. Philip W. Boyd. In the house’s 144 year history only four other families have resided in Belvedere. Built of imported soft tone English brick, the house exhibits a glorious array of Victorian ornamentation. The three story central tower, edged with alternating brick quoins, has paired round arched windows shaded by a canopy. The front porch with its decorative trim shelters the front door with its beveled, leaded glass in sidelights and transom. Upon entering the house, the high first floor ceilings create a feeling of grandeur for the Christmas tree in the entry hall. A spruce tree decorated with prisms and placed between two mirrored piers in the ballroom spreads the wonder of the holidays to all visitors.