Congratulations are due to the following people and projects recognized with a 2015 PHW preservation award:
Certificates of Appreciation to the 2014 Holiday House Tour Homeowners
Tommy and Sarah Beavers, John Chesson, Joe and Sharon Collette, Martha Shickle, Eugene and Sarah Smith, David and Margery Wingenbach
Awards of Merit
Thomas and Jaruvan Frerotte, Chop Stick Café, 207 North Kent Street
Jack Schutte and Terri Morgoglione, Handley Crossing, 1000 Valley Avenue
Winchester Hiram Lodge No. 21 fresco restoration
Tim and Barbara Bandyke, 205 West Pall Mall Street
Katherine G. Rockwood Award
Tom and Deanna Stouffer, 125 East Clifford Street
Lucille Lozier Award
Museum of the Shenandoah Valley, Rose Hill Manor House
Ben Belchic Award
Judy Humbert & June Gaskins-Davis, History of Douglas School Winchester, Virginia: A Tribute to Endurance, Belief, Perseverance, and Success
Elsie Rosenberger Award
John Chesson
Carroll Henkel Award
Linda Quynn Ross for leadership of the French and Indian War Foundation
Lifetime Achievement Award
Eloise Strader for decades of commitment to preserving Winchester’s history
Congratulations and a round of applause are due to all the award winners for their efforts to preserve Winchester’s history, and many thanks to our hosts at the Winchester Little Theatre for allowing us to use their building for the Annual Meeting in the midst of their own busy summer schedule. Special thanks as well to David Logan and Tim Machado for bringing us up to speed on the building progress and allowing us to get up close to the restoration work at the Little Theatre. Sunday was a perfect way to finish up our 50th year and start on our 51st!