Public Hearing for 414 S. Braddock St. on July 9

The second reading and public hearing to declare the structure at 414 S. Braddock St. a public nuisance and authorize funds to abate the situation will be the first business item on the agenda for the City Council meeting this Tuesday, July 9 at 7 PM. This is the only planned opportunity for public comment on the proposed abatement plan, which is currently leaning toward demolition of the north part of the structure, but is authorized in scope to demolish the entire building if deemed necessary.

PHW would welcome your attendance at the meeting either as observers or to hear your own comments on the situation. Please take a few moments to read through the material submitted for the meeting at the Winchester City website (materials for this item start at page 3).

We fully realize how badly the structure has deteriorated and will continue to deteriorate if nothing is done. As PHW president John Barker was quoted in the Winchester Star on Saturday, there is no “magic wand” we can wave to fix this situation, and that is why your comments and support will be helpful to find a solution that satisfies both the real safety concerns as well as the desire to see this architectural treasure saved.