1976 Architectural Survey Images

With the first third of the Winchester National Register District Survey completed, PHW would like to share some images from the 1976 survey as we update to the new survey forms here at the office. East Boscawen Street (from the Loudoun Street Walking Mall to the Mt. Hebron Cemetery Gatehouse) is currently online. Cameron Street will likely be added next. Enjoy this “blast from the past!”

Limestone, Sycamores, and Preservation Seminar

Join speaker Brian Carter Broadus, AIA, Charlottesville, for two lectures on May 19. The first, from 1-3 p.m., is ‘Historic Tax Credits‘; the second, from 3-5 p.m., is ‘Sustainability and Historic Buildings‘. The event will be held at the June E. Jeffrey Education Center, Lewis Jones Knitting Mill, 126 N. Kent St. The seminars are free and open to the public, so please join us!

Window of Opportunity Webinar

Produced by Restore Media, LLC, and underwritten by Marvin Windows and Doors, these three in-depth, 90-minute Webinars will add key facts and useful information to what you already know about working with windows in traditional architectural settings – residential, commercial, and institutional. Presented by leading experts in the field, they’ll cover the history of window design and manufacturing with an eye toward using the knowledge in your work today, explore sustainable windows old and new, and clarify the sometimes mysterious subject of selecting and installing windows in traditional settings.

Course 1: The Making of American Windows – A Present-Minded History
June 2, 2009, 2:00 p.m. ET, 90 minutes, 1.5 HSW/SD

Course 2: Sustainable Windows, Old and New
July 28, 2009, 2:00 p.m. ET, 90 minutes, 1.5 HSW/SD

Course 3: How to Install – Successfully – New Wood Windows in Traditional Settings
November 17, 2009, 2:00 p.m. ET, 90 minutes, 1.5 HSW/SD

Call 802-674-6752 to get more information on continuing education credits or to obtain a group registration form. To register for the webinar, click here. Registration is free!

National Preservation Month Proclamation

Mayor Minor proclaimed May to be National Preservation Month and presented PHW a plaque to that effect. Franklin Wright, PHW’s president, was on hand to present her in turn with a copy of “Winchester: Limestone, Sycamores and Architecture” in appreciation for her support of preservation efforts.

Last night also saw Sandra Bosley thanked before the Frederick County Board of Supervisors for her help on behalf of PHW with a student project concerning the Old Jail at 317 S. Cameron Street. The presentation was part of the Government Services Learning project of four Sherando High School students who successfully researched and applied for a Winchester Historic Plaque.

Winchester Underground: The Lovett Building

Join us for a tour of the Lovett Building (163-165 North Loudoun Street) on May 9 from 2 to 4 PM as part of PHW’s celebration of National Preservation Month. See the beginning phases of this historic tax credit rehabilitation project; subsequent tours will follow the progress of the building. There is no admission cost to this event, but donations will be accepted at the door.

Newsletter Online

A special National Preservation Month edition of PHW’s newsletter is now available online. Click here to read the newsletter (in PDF format).

Don’t forget to nominate some deserving preservation projects and submit “This Place Matters” photos of your favorite places for National Preservation Month!

National Preservation Month Is Coming!

As many of you are aware, May is National Preservation Month. PHW has lined up several excellent events to celebrate in 2009, including a Winchester Underground tour of the Lovett Building on May 9, a special edition of the newsletter, and a photo campaign to tie into the National Trust’s theme “This Place Matters.” More information on these events will be posted soon.

Since the photo campaign requires some help from our readers, the instructions are being posted early so you can start thinking about your special places. If you have questions or comments about the “This Place Matters” photo project, don’t hesitate to leave a comment or email for us.

PHW Annual Award Nomination Form

PHW is once again open to nominations from our members and readers for worthy preservation projects or prominent preservation leaders in Winchester and Frederick County for PHW’s Annual Preservation Awards. The award winners will be announced at PHW’s Annual Meeting in June.

To be eligible for a 2009 award, the project must be completed by May 22, 2009. Projects that receive nomination forms for 2009 but are not completed by May 22 are held on file for consideration in the 2010 round of awards.

Before and after photos (print or digital) included with your form are highly desirable and may help your nomination. Before and after photos are generally used in a slideshow presentation at the award ceremony.

Award forms may be returned via postal mail to PHW, 530 Amherst St., Winchester, VA 22601, or via e-mail at phwi@verizon.net.

Salvaged Bathroom Fixtures

A PHW member has graciously offered several bathroom fixtures for architectural salvage purposes. Each is in fair to good condition. Items include:

  • Claw foot bathtub, porcelain lined zinc tub, five feet long, 30 inches across. Has attached shower unit that attaches also to nine foot ceiling. Unit includes handheld shower sprayer.
  • Porcelain toilet with wooden seat
  • Porcelain sink that attaches to wall. Two feet tall by two feet wide. chrome soap dish attached.

All items might be detached and be available at a neighborhood garage sale on Peyton St. on April 18th, starting at 7:00 a.m. rain or shine. They will definitely be removed on April 20th. Call for appointment 540-539-7911 or come to garage sale.